Fundraiser and Gubernatorial Debate Watch Party
To register with a credit card, please indicate the number of attendees and amount you wish to pledge below:
Come join us for a fish fry, a gubernatorial debate & hopefully a World Series game with our own Milwaukee Brewers.
Hall opens at 5. Dinner starts at 5:30 & the debate is at 6pm.
There will be a silent auction & a 50/50 raffle. Bring your party hats & your wallets. If Red raises enough money he swears to be the first person to streak the Academy Awards since Robert Opel in 1974. Well, Ok, maybe not. Red would probably make acquire more money keeping his clothes ON but we ARE gathering to help him beat Chris Larson. Tickets available here so we can see you there!
If you cannot attend but you would still like to donate via credit card, or if you wish to donate via credit card, more than what is available in the 3 options given, please click the “Donate” button above to place whatever amount you wish into the donation button. Otherwise there will be a 50/50 Raffle & Silent Auction prizes to bid on at the fundraiser if you wish to donate more that way. Thank you for your donations.