Well friends, its official.
I have declared my candidacy for State Assembly District 21. Mark Honadel held the seat for a decade and now it’s time for another local boy to retain the seat and represent the area. Don’t let the seat go to an opportunistic outsider. Make sure YOUR seat remains YOUR seat.
First things first though, I need 400 signatures from residents of District 21. If you live in South Milwaukee or Oak Creek then you are in District 21. There is a small portion of Franklin in the District as well. As long as you have lived in your residence for 10 days and are 18 years old you can sign my nomination papers and, of course, vote for me. Don’t sign any other nomination papers since you can only sign 1 form for 1 candidate. Here is a map link of District 21 if you are curious of its boundaries. http://legis.wisconsin.gov/ltsb/redistricting/PDFs/ad21.pdf
The Primary is on Tuesday, October 22nd and the Special Election is on Tuesday, November 19th. The Primary is going to be the toughest for me because candidates by rule can have no party backing, financially or otherwise, so please support me any way you can. Once the Primary is over I will have Party backing for the General Election but that means nothing without voter support. Your support. Everyone who is receiving this message knows what type of guy I am and knows that I will be a no bull, no nonsense representative for our home town. (Whew! this clean language thing is gonna be tough 😛 )
Social media is a very powerful and under-utilized tool in the realm of politics. I have not yet determined whether that is lack of acceptance of innovation of if they just don’t want you to know what is going on but I need your help getting my message out. Sharing of information is free. You can go to my website www.voteredarnold.com you can follow me on Twitter @voteredarnold you can email me at voteredarnold@gmail.com and you can follow my Facebook post here at www.facebook.com/voteredarnold Please pass it on. “Like” my Facebook page, “Follow” me on Twitter (even if you turn my tweets off) send me an email so I can put your email address on my mailing list (very few messages, no spam, I promise. That’s what tweet and posts are for) and watch my upcoming videos on my website. (Please email any critiques. Try to avoid the temptation to tweet or post comments about my waistline or my tie 😉
I know that there are some of you who will never vote for me simply because of my party affiliation. That is your right as an American and a human being. But doesn’t that, in itself, represent the reason we can’t get things done in government? I, personally, have voted for all different parties based on who was the best candidate for the position. I hope you consider that route as well. If you are used to voting for the lesser of 2 evils then at least you won’t have to succumb to that unfortunate stratagem this election cycle.
Please share this message with anyone who is in District 21 and anyone who is politically active, regardless of Party affiliation. I have a Party label but I don’t necessarily tow the party line. I tow the line of truth by doing what is right and what makes logical sense. Help me give you a rational voice in your government, a voice that will be heard.
Thank you in advance for your support. Please donate anything you can to my campaign. Supporting freedom is free, campaigning for it is expensive. Even $10 makes a huge difference. We have an online “Donation” button Paypal link on my website and you can send checks to the following address below. Maximum $500 per person per election cycle. (and no, I can’t keep the money or use it for fun personal stuff. Unused funds goes to future campaigns or charities.) If you want me to stop by your residence to have you sign the nomination papers shoot me an email. If I cap at 400 signatures I will respond to you and let you know that I have completed the signature acquisitions. If you are interested in volunteering to help me, please let me know that too.
Send checks to:
Vote Red Arnold
P.O. Box 205
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
So get the word out.
Vote Red Arnold, y’know, like Schwarzenegger.
Only… not like Schwarzenegger
Thanks y’all,
Red Arnold
P.S. Make sure all politically affiliated material goes on my Vote Red Arnold Facebook page and not my personal Facebook page.