We’re pluggin’ away! We still need more signatures and just 48 hrs to do it. Don’t forget to “Follow” on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook! If you want to sign my nomination papers email me at voteredarnold@gmail.com and I’ll come to your house and you can sign it on your porch. And guys, make sure you put some pants on there’s children in the neighborhood! Please, Pleeeeeease think of the children! 😉
DPC: Direct Primary Care Pledge
Please sign this pledge. Help spread the word about the DPC: Direct Primary Care, affordable health care model.
15 signatures
DPC: Direct Primary Care Pledge
Sign this pledge and encourage your legislators and doctors to do the same. Help spread the word about the DPC: Direct Primary Care health care model to bring affordable health care to all Americans. Thank you for taking the initiative to move this forward. A special thanks to Atlas.md
(We do not share this information with anyone which is one reason that we do not ask for your address. We are simply trying to gauge who understands how this model will revive and fix our crumbling health care system.)
*Your email and personal information will not be shared with 3rd parties.