by Red Arnold | Sunday, September 22, 2013 | News
We’re pluggin’ away! We still need more signatures and just 48 hrs to do it. Don’t forget to “Follow” on Twitter and “Like” us on Facebook! If you want to sign my nomination papers email me at and...
by Red Arnold | Saturday, September 21, 2013 | News, Video
My WISN interview with Dan O’Donnell. Part 1: Part...
by Red Arnold | Friday, September 20, 2013 | News
There is an article about the race on the Oak Creek Patch website.
by Red Arnold | Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | News
There is an article about the Wisconsin State Assembly Special Election on the Oak Creek Patch website.
by Red Arnold | Wednesday, September 18, 2013 | News
Well friends, its official. I have declared my candidacy for State Assembly District 21. Mark Honadel held the seat for a decade and now it’s time for another local boy to retain the seat and represent the area. Don’t let the seat go to an opportunistic outsider. Make...